Shivers did start with a dream I had about a spider that emerged from a woman's mouth at night while she slept. The dream was very casual. It wasn't a horrific dream at all. It was just "Oh yeah, the spider that lives in her mouth." It seemed that the creature just lived there, inside her. It would come out at night, go round the house and go back into her mouth. Back into her body. During the day she knew nothing about it. Afterwards, on reflection, I thought, "My God, that image is really giving a physical presence to the idea that things go on within us which are strange and disturbing." Also, it seemed the spider in some way gave her life when she was awake. Embodying that in an insect or creature was really the unique thing about the dream. That was really the crystal at the centre of what became Shivers. (43)
Shivers, written and directed by David Cronenberg, is set almost wholly in Starliner Towers, only twelve minutes away from Montreal, on Starliner Island in isolation. A slide-show sales pitch plays behind the credits, detailing the amenities which the apartment complex has to offer. It is a small world unto itself. Janine (Sue Petrie), a Starliner resident, is experiencing marital problems with husband Nicolas (Alan Migicovsky) who has grown extremely distant and cold towards her. Meanwhile on a upper floor, an older man assaults a very young woman in an apartment. The older gentleman is fixated upon her stomach. He opens it and burns the young woman's insides with acid. The police arrive to investigate the death. Doctor Roger St. Luc, Starliner Towers' resident physician, discovered the young woman's corpse. Dr. St. Luc was summoned to the apartment by his old teacher at medical school, Dr. Emil Hobbes (Fred Doederlein). Hobbes is the older gentleman who attacked the young woman. He has killed himself, as well.
"Roger," says Lynn Lowry's character, who plays Roger's nurse and lover, "I had a very disturbing dream last night. In the dream, I found myself making love to a strange man. Only I'm having trouble, you see, because he's old...and tiny. And he smells bad, and I find him repulsive. But then he tells me that everything is erotic. Everything is sexual. You know what I mean? He tells me that even old flesh is erotic flesh. Disease is the love of two alien kinds of creatures for each other. Even dying is an act of eroticism. That talking is sexual. That breathing is sexual. And even to physically exist is sexual. And I believe him. And we make love beautifully."
Shivers is Cronenberg's debut feature-length film as a professional filmmaker. Despite the film being thirty-five years old, it undoubtedly is still very much shocking and provocative. From the idyllic modern setting of Starliner Towers, its residents present the diversity of civilized folks of both genders in a wide range of ages, living in harmony, together. The original title of the film was "Orgy of the Blood Parasites" (35)--a wholly apt yet deceptive description. In the brief set-up which I detailed for the film above, all psychological and physical problems, abnormalities, manifestations, etc., all result from the presence of a parasite. As the parasite infects one resident that resident infects two who infect two more and etc. Their actions become violent, perverse (-ted), and sexual. David Cronenberg offers his insights:

The standard way of looking at Shivers is as a tragedy, but there's a paradox in it that also extends to the way society looks at me. Here's a man who walks around and is sweet: he likes people, he's warm, friendly, articulate and he makes these horrible, diseased, grotesque, disgusting movies. Now, what's real? Those things are both real for the person standing outside. For me, those two parts of myself are inextricably bound together. The reason I'm secure is because I'm crazy. The reason I'm stable is because I'm nuts. It's palpable to me. ¶ The older you get, the more children you have, the more accepted you become in your society and the more a part of the establishment you become, the more tenuous the grip on your 'insideness' is. Your awareness of yourself is driven deeper because the layers or veneer of civilization become thicker and thicker, but inside you know. I'm just much more in disguise. There's a strength to be taken from that. There's also a certain sadness at the same time. (50-51)

Now, this looks like something I want to see....
I remember that movie. Cronenberg understood the creep factor.
An enjoyable review Hans - I havent seen this for about 15 years, but it is probably the most pervasive of Cronenberg's films. I think this has much to do with the starkly lit interiors and the general atmosphere of isolation and claustrophobia. I'm not sure whether 'Shivers' predates J. G. Ballard's 'High Rise', they both emerged in 1975 and seem like flip sides of the same coin. I've always felt the US title 'They Came From Within' was more appropriate. I should track this down for another watch.
Thnx Gents.
@Andrew--you should definitely check this one out and I would really like to hear you're thoughts.
@Alex--yep, Cronenberg definitely understood the creep factor.
@Shaun--Shivers shares a lot with other films. Reminds me of Romero's Crazies (also with Lowry), Rollin's Night of the Hunted, and Bava's Demons 2. I'm also certain that Ballard was a significant influence upon Cronenberg. He's an amazing writer, and I should pick up more of his work. Thanks for reminding me.
Thanks to you all for taking the time to read and leave a comment. I appreciate it.
Great review Hans. I got Shivers on VHS at a garage sale last year and easily agree that it's a fantastic debut. Messy, sure, but still both scary and new. Cronenberg never fails to fascinate me, even in his younger days.
Thank you, Emily, for your kind words. Hope all is well with you.
Great review, I enjoyed this movie a lot. I find it really interesting how Cronenberg's films all seem connected by three things: sex, violence, and body horror.
Inspite of its technological flaws (this was Cronenberg's first after all) the film remains interesting thematically, and in my opinion, as a horror film as well. Those slimy slugs are pretty unsettling.
After this movie, Cronenberg went Up, Up, Up! Improving with every picture he made.
Thanks Francisco. Totally agree with you. Thanks for reading and taking the time to share your thoughts. It's always appreciated.
I like your approach to the film here, mixing your own thoughts, Cronenberg's, and images from the movie. I'm intrigued, between this & Bob Clark's take on Cronenberg's very early work, I want to check out his pre-Scanners stuff. Some of the later, quite acclaimed films leave me a bit cold but I have a feeling I'd like his less slick works more. We'll see...
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